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Hair Loss – What is the cause?

Okay, so you’re noticing hair loss. Whether it’s general thinning or a specific area, more than 60% of all men and 40% of all women will experience a hair loss condition within their lifetime. The results can be quite devastating – especially if you feel there’s no hope. But there is hope, and you are not alone. Every year Ashley & Martin treat thousands of people who are suffering just like you. And just like them, you’ll leave your Ashley & Martin consultant with more hair, and more confidence.

Male hair loss or Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) also known as Androgenetic Alopecia has been with us since the dawn of time. Many different treatments have been tested over the years, mainly to no effect. It’s only in the past 30 years that truly effective hair loss treatments have been discovered. The breakthrough came from understanding that a hormone known as Dihydrotesterone (DHT) which all men carry, effects the cells inside the base of the hair root and is the cause of male hair loss. You need to have a genetic pre-disposition to MPB for this hormone to affect the hair root cells. Once it’s destroyed, no medical treatment can help. That’s why, if you want to regrow your own hair, it’s vital to start the RealGROWTH® treatment program as soon as you can.

The RealGROWTH® program is the most comprehensive hair loss treatment available and is exclusive to Ashley & Martin. No other program is more effective in arresting baldness and re-growing hair naturally. The RealGROWTH® program is a combination of specialty cleansing products, prescribed medications, natural supplements, therapeutic treatments and on-going support. It is specifically designed to target & combat every area of the problem:

Quite simply, after a thorough hair examination and acceptance by our trained consultants, you can be sure that you’ll be treated with the very latest that the scientific and medical professions can offer.

Female hair loss, or Female Pattern Baldness (FPB), is quite complicated in its causes and treatment. If it’s of a generic nature, the pattern of thinning and hair loss will spread outwards from the crown area. The treatments and medications used to treat hair loss in women is largely dictated by the age of the patient.

Essentially, female hair loss is the same condition as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). However doctors believe that over 30 hormones could be associated with the problem as opposed to the one that is associated with hair loss in men. So treatment is even more personalised with female patients. Unlike MPB where just the crown and the frontal hair region is affected, with FPB the hair line in most cases is not susceptible. The problem normally manifests itself from the crown and will spread out from this point. In aggressive forms of this condition a medical regime of treatment will be needed (RealGROWTH®) for less extreme cases the use of low level laser therapy (LaserPro Plus) may be sufficient. The similarity with MPB is the problem needs to be treated as soon as a diagnosis is made. The earlier we can detect the problem, the better the results that can be achieved.

To contact our Victorian clinics see our contact  page for our locations in Southbank, Dandenong, and Tullamarine.